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ERC - Europeiska forskningsrådet Medarbetarwebben

ERC Advanced Grant Horizon 2020 (2014–2020)  Det gör de bland annat genom tre stora system för forskningsanslag – ERC Advanced Grant, ERC Consolidator Grant och ERC Starting Grant  The ERC Advanced Grants are designed for established and world leading researchers who strive to pursue ground-breaking research with exceptional scientific  ERC Advanced Grants till vetenskapsområdet Leif Andersson är de första forskarna vid Uppsalas medicinska fakultet att bli aktuella för ERCs Advanced Grant. Den 31.3.2020 beviljade Europeiska forskningsrådet ERC femårig Advanced Grant-forskningsfinansiering till totalt 185 forskare i sökningen år  Thomas Helledays receives ERC Advanced Grant. Thomas Helleday is one of nine scientists receiving a grant of 2.5 million euros over five years from the  2020 års utlysning av ERC Advanced Grant är nu öppen. Europeiska forskningsrådet (ERC) finansierar banbrytande forskning med hög risk. Linköpings universitet, LiU, bedriver världsledande, gränsöverskridande forskning inom bland annat material, IT och hörsel. I samma anda erbjuder universitetet  ERC Advanced Grants (ERC AdG) delas ut till de mest etablerade och Centrum för primärvårdsforskning, får ERC Advanced Grant.

Erc advanced grant

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Dr. Sabine Schmidtke Subject Area: Islamic Studies Project: Rediscovering Theological Rationalism in the Medieval World of Islam  ERC Advanced Grants (AdG) Grant agreement ID: 669972. Call ID: ERC-ADG- 2014. The overarching goal of the project is to provide the first quantitative  ERC Advanced Investigator Grant. "Economic Consequences of Restrictions on the Usage of Cookies". Cookies (or “HTTP  The ERC Advanced Grant on Global Terrorism and Collective Moral Responsibility (euro 2.5 million) was awarded to applied philosopher, Professor Seumas  Jun 15, 2020 Researchers who would like to compete for an ERC Advanced Grant have until 26 August 2020 to apply for the next round of funding. May 19, 2020 ERC Advanced Grant support established, leading principal investigator who can demonstrate a ground-breaking nature, ambition and  Antonio Acín's ERC Advanced Grant project aims at bringing quantum certification to the next level, focussing on tools to identify quantum properties of many-body  Aug 30, 2019 ERC Advanced Grant Principal Investigators are expected to be active researchers and to have a track record of significant research  Mar 28, 2019 Echavarren, ICIQ group leader, has obtained a second Advanced Grant of € 2.5 million from the European Research Council (ERC) to develop  Apr 21, 2020 The ERC Advanced Grant is awarded to projects led by well-established researchers with an outstanding track-record of relevant groundbreaking  Mar 31, 2020 Three researchers from the University of Groningen have been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant.

Vetenskapsrådet / Swedish Research Council LinkedIn

The grant has now been awarded to Ernest  Lars-Erik Wernersson, professor of nanoelectronics, has received an ERC Advanced Grant for the integration of new materials into the  Lars-Erik Wernersson, professor i nanoelektronik, får EU:s ERC Advanced Grant för integration av nya material i framtidens högpresterande  Nu är det klart vilka som får ERC Advanced grant i förra årets utlysning. Utlysningen riktar sig till etablerade och världsledande forskare och har vetenskaplig  Europeiska forskningsrådet, ERC, har beslutat om vilka forskare som beviljas medel i 2012 års utlysning av Advanced Grant.

Erc advanced grant

2 PhD studentships - Advanced Grant Project “WATER

April 16, 2020, 13:19 April 16, 2020 708. On 31 March 2020, the European Research Council announced the 185 winners of the ERC 2019 advanced grants. In total, 450 million euros will be allocated to the winning researchers. Size of ERC Advanced Grants Advanced Grants may be awarded up to a maximum of EUR 2 500 000 for a period of 5 years. The maximum award is reduced pro rata temporis for projects of a shorter duration.

2020 års utlysning av ERC Advanced Grant är nu öppen. Europeiska forskningsrådet (ERC) finansierar banbrytande forskning med hög risk. Sökande förväntas vara väletablerade forskningsledare med minst tio års framgångsrik forskning bakom sig. The ERC Advanced Grant is one of Europe’s most prestigious programmes for research financing. The grant has now been awarded to Ernest Arenas to tailor dopamine-producing brain cells for patients with Parkinson’s disease. The ERC Advanced Grant is the most prestigious of the European Research Council's grants, aimed at the most excellent researchers.
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Erc advanced grant

Project proposals are evaluated for excellence and researchers are judged based on their track record over the last 10 years. Size of ERC Advanced Grants Advanced Grants may be awarded up to a maximum of EUR 2 500 000 for a period of 5 years. The maximum award is reduced pro rata temporis for projects of a shorter duration. This does not apply to ongoing projects.

The funding is up to 2.5 million Euros per grant and lasts up to five years. Kenneth Chien. Principal Investigator: Kenneth R. Chien, MD, PhD, Professor of Cardiovascular Research, Department of Medicine, Huddinge, and Department Size of ERC Advanced Grants Advanced Grants may be awarded up to a maximum of EUR 2 500 000 for a period of 5 years.
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Sökande förväntas vara väletablerade forskningsledare med minst tio års framgångsrik forskning bakom sig. The ERC Advanced Grant is one of Europe’s most prestigious programmes for research financing. The grant has now been awarded to Ernest Arenas to tailor dopamine-producing brain cells for patients with Parkinson’s disease.

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Finansiering via Advanced Grant från ERC Aalto-universitetet

Stort grattis till er! Utlysningen riktar sig till etablerade och världsledande forskare och har vetenskaplig excellens  Prize, European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant, Microsoft International Contest Prize, the Trading Agents Competition Award och många flera). Sju forskare i Sverige får ERC Advanced grant.

Sex forskare får ERC Advanced Grant - Stockholms universitet

2021-04-22 2021-04-22 Two Lund researchers have received the prestigious European Research Council’s (ERC) Advanced Grant of approximately SEK 25 million each: Anne L’Huillier, professor of Atomic Physics and Olle Melander, professor of Internal Medicine and consultant at Skåne University Hospital. The grants are for research on atomic physics and quantum mechanics, and diabetes and cardiovascular disease 2021-04-22 ERC Advanced grants provide an opportunity to well-established and outstanding scientists of any nationality to pursue innovative, high-risk research that opens new directions in a field of their choice. This year ERC Advanced Grant funding will help 209 senior researchers carry out innovative projects, with the aim of a far-reaching impact for the long-term benefit of all. This year we selected five examples to examine in detail, from Belgium, Denmark, France, Spain, and the UK. ERC Advanced Grants support excellent researchers at the career stage at which they are already established research leaders with a recognised track-record of research achievements. Candidates have to demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their scientific proposal. ERC Advanced Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are already established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements.

Intern hanteringsrutin för ERC Advanced Grant 2017.